What is "Expelling Cold"?

"Expelling cold" is a concept of natural conditioning of the body

It means to expel the accumulated coldness in the body.

Avoid cold

Keeps the body warm

So that the blood does not stagnate

Flows smoothly throughout the body

When blood circulation is good

The body absorbs what it needs

At the same time, exclude the unnecessary

Make your body healthier

The ideal human body temperature is 36.5 to 37.0 degrees This is the environment in which the body as a whole functions optimally. Once there is cold The normal functioning of the body will be hindered Over time, various symptoms will appear All modern people actually have varying degrees of cold invasion. Cold invasion does not necessarily mean cold hands and feet Big men seem to sweat a lot but they are actually cold If it accumulates for a long time, it will cause various physical problems. Think about it, our lives are actually surrounded by cold air Air conditioning, fans, cold drinks, and clothing habits can all cause cold air to invade the body without one realizing it.

Start cooling down Toxins will continue to be discharged As long as you eliminate toxins, you can regain your health Expelling cold can greatly enhance the body's self-healing ability

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