
Do you think it’s only for warming the uterus? Chinese medicine practitioners teach you the secret method of nourishing your uterus

Feb 20, 2025

If the uterus is healthy, you will not age. If you want to live a more relaxed life, it is important to take care of your uterus.


What is the cold-repelling Eucommia tea? Share 4 ways to drink

Apr 02, 2024

Eucommia tea for expelling cold,


The dog days are the coldest days

May 21, 2023

After I started to get rid of the cold, I began to pay special attention to what the dog days of summer are.


What are cold-repellent socks? Deconstruction of Japanese cold-resistant socks

Mar 29, 2023

The cold starts from the feet, so to keep healthy you must first keep warm. When your body is warm your heart will also be warm.

肚圍小百科 - 如何暖宮和令皮膚變美?

Belly Encyclopedia - How to warm the uterus and make the skin beautiful?

Mar 27, 2023

Many customers are interested in belly bands for the first time.

温食事 - 超簡單日常暖養食療

Wenshishi-Super simple daily warming food therapy

Mar 19, 2023

Health care should start from daily practice.


How to wash and care for cold-repellent socks [Detailed version]

Jan 16, 2023

It does take some time to wash and care for socks every time.


Basic knowledge and application of cold-repelling socks

Jan 14, 2023

When you want to do something about your body's coldness,


Five-toe socks have these advantages!

Jan 10, 2023

What is your impression of five-toe socks?

你有沒有覺得冷!4 件事要嘗試

Do you feel cold? 4 Things to Try

Jan 01, 2023

When the seasons change, you feel the real cold

排寒產品推薦: 終於找到真正令身體愉悅的內衣了

Cold-repelling product recommendation: I finally found underwear that really makes my body happy.

Mar 24, 2022

I've been looking for it, except for socks, but I can wear it all day long


[Shindo Yukie's Cold-Repelling Column] You can walk even with 26 layers of socks

Oct 02, 2021

At first, I was very interested in " dispelling cold "

How My Body Cures Eczema Naturally, and Amazingly

How My Body Cures Eczema Naturally, and Amazingly

Jun 20, 2021

One out of every 5 people in


[Shindo Yukie's column on expelling cold] The "expelling cold" health regimen that cures all diseases

Jun 18, 2021

Someone who is "expelling cold" asked me "Can I be cured?"


Warm Sun House is one year old!

Jun 01, 2021

One year old. wish. Birthday Warmth,


Eczema is not a skin disease

Jan 16, 2021

Fortunately, before the eczema demon spread all over my body

多層襪 = 一層厚襪?

Multiple layers of socks = one thick layer of socks?

Nov 26, 2020

Cold is the first of toxins, keep warm first to keep healthy


Tips on keeping socks warm

Nov 21, 2020

Once the cold begins to be expelled, the body will gradually increase its heat energy.


[Shared by a friend who helps me with my coldness] Suffering from eczema has unexpectedly benefited me a lot

Sep 07, 2020

As for eczema, I started to have it while working as a summer intern.


If you have eczema…

Aug 14, 2020

This time last year I gave up on treating my eczema

排寒小記 - 我最難捱的瞑眩反應

Notes on expelling cold - My most unbearable dizziness reaction

Aug 05, 2020

After a month of cold weather...

順應天時 - 大暑就是要我們汗流浹背

Follow the weather - The Great Heat is meant to make us sweat

Jul 31, 2020

Start to get rid of the cold

我的濕疹自癒之旅 (二) - 中醫篇

My Journey of Self-Healing from Eczema (Part 2) - Chinese Medicine

Jul 23, 2020

Looking back, I have been troubled by eczema for nearly a year...

我的濕疹自癒之旅 (一) - 西醫篇

My Journey of Self-Healing from Eczema (Part 1) - Western Medicine

Jul 20, 2020

"No more soothing my eczema. I want to cure it completely!"


A year after the cold weather: How did I get through it?

Jul 16, 2020

Keep believing that these reactions will pass.


Get rid of the cold and raise a child who is not sick or allergic

Jul 12, 2020

My child always sweats when he sleeps...

身體暖呼呼 3種簡易乾薑食用法

3 easy ways to use dried ginger to warm your body

Jul 07, 2020

I like the taste.


Is it more important to get rid of cold in summer than in winter?

Jun 25, 2020

Many people think that summer is hot.


I'm lazy but want to try to get rid of the cold. Is there any super easy method?

Jun 23, 2020

I often hear people say that they think the concept of expelling cold is very good.


How to start cooling down?

Jun 18, 2020

Expelling cold is a natural body therapy.


Can I wear regular socks to keep the cold out?

Jun 10, 2020

Ordinary cotton socks can help keep your feet warm, which is better than not wearing socks at all.


What is "Expelling Cold"?

Jun 03, 2020

It means to expel the accumulated coldness in the body.

體寒是萬病之源 你今日量體溫了嗎

Cold is the source of all diseases. Have you taken your temperature today?

Feb 08, 2020

Fever is certainly a cause for concern...