Can I wear regular socks to keep the cold out?

Regular cotton socks can help keep your feet warm and are better than wearing no socks at all, but wearing multiple layers is recommended for added warmth, just as we would put on more clothes when we are cold. If we wear one piece of clothing on the upper body, since the lower body is cooler, we need to wear more layers on the feet. However, since ordinary socks are of similar size and thickness, the second and third layers will not fit and will be very tight.

The specially designed cold-repellent socks take this into consideration, so the socks come in progressively larger sizes and are of just the right thickness, allowing you to put them on easily while feeling comfortable. Once you get used to wearing them, it will feel like you're wearing a pair of very breathable and comfortable socks.

Another key point of cold-repellent socks is that the first layer is made of silk material close to the skin, which can play a detoxifying role. After wearing them for a long time, you will find that the first layer of socks will have holes, which means that your body is already working hard to detoxify!

Therefore, if you want to keep out the cold, wearing cold-repelling socks can achieve the ideal effect.

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